About Us

Convergence Resources is a Toronto based company that has a team of seasoned professionals and wealth of experience gained over many years.

Contact Info

  • Toronto, Ontario.
  • sales@convergence resources.ca
  • Call Us: +1 (647) 867-5433

In-House PBX

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+1 (647) 867-5433

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Mon-Sat 9:00 - 7:00

In-House PBX

On-premise PBX is a small device or server that resides at your office, such as a server room or phone closet. When more than 15 users in an office or a location which use an IP based phone, Convergence Resources recommend them to get the on-premises PBX server installed at their office. This not only saves the excessive network traffic going in and out of the location, but also improves connectivity delay and network lag. Users can also call each other in that office without having the network traffic leave the office.

There are many new PBX servers out there in the market, but none of them offer what we do. Our system is the most affordable option for on-premise PBX. We also provide 1 year free remote support to all of our clients. If our technicians cannot resolve the issue, we will come on-site the same day and replace your server for free. All this is included in our 1-year free support package.

Take full advantage of PBX features as if you’ve hired an in-house PBX technician. We are just a phone call away. We will customize the server according to your business needs. This includes setting up the extensions, installing IVR, creating routes, and much more. Our on-premise will be a great investment for your business and it will be more cost-effective in the longer run. Key benefits of our server include…

Features included:

  • PBX admin portal access to create, adjust and delete users as desired.

  • Current carrier doesn’t have to be changed

  • Free server replacement

  • Total customization of platform, data, security

  • Potentially more cost-effective in the longer run

  • New open-source features can be added without any license fee

  • Lower monthly cost after the initial expense

  • For better voice quality, ability to keep your phone calls separate from internet traffic

Product Service

We’ve been a nearly thought strategy leader for five

Cloud Services

We’ve been a nearly thought strategy leader for five

Data Center

We’ve been a nearly thought strategy leader for five